DCU Mercy Basketball Club

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DCU Mercy Halloween Party

Dress Up Fun

Little Monsters & Heroes

DCU Mercy had their annual Halloween fancy dress on Saturday 29th October in St. Brendan's Parish Hall, Coolock. DCU host this event to provide a night of fun for the children of the local community and within DCU Mercy, it allows them to socialise with one another on a different level other than basketball.

To make this event as enjoyable as possible, we get each of the kids involved in some cool and creative games, some of them require team work and others are just for personal fun. 

Balloon and Spoon Race?

Balloon Waiter

One of the first games the kids played was a balloon and spoon race. It's the same as the traditional egg and spoon race but with using balloons instead. This special Halloween variation is called Balloon Waiter, the objective of the game is to bring a balloon from one end of the room to the other and back again. We made this into a relay race, the kids were placed into teams of four or five and  pitted against one another in a race to the finish.

We didn't use traditional egg and spoon races because one, it's a nightmare trying to clean eggs up off of the floor every ten seconds and two, because it's extremely hard to keep the balloon on the plate. Seriously.

Why don't you give this game a try this halloween with your friends and let us know how you got on by leaving us a comment in the comments section below. 

Buckets of Brains

Pass The Intestines

This game is one of our favourites. The kids have ten seconds each to stick their hand inside the bucket to try and retrieve some of the delicious treats that are hidden inside all of the brains and intestines. This is a favourite among the children as you can see from some of their faces. All you need to play this game is a bucket of some sort, then you mix spaghetti with olive oil to stop it sticking together. For further effect you could add some red food dye into the spaghetti and make it look like real intestines. 

That's A Wrap!

Wrap The Mummy

This game is called 'wrap the mummy' and it's easy to see why. It's an extremely fun game to run at a Halloween party that gets everybody involved, it's even more fun if you're the mummy. No. Not the mother, the "mummy". All you need to run this game is some toilet roll and a subject to wrap. It's great fun for both kids and adults.

This was our last game of the evening and because it was a team race to dress the best zombie, we could unfortunately have one winning team. The panel of judges had a very hard time making their decision as there was so many fantastic costumes.  However, after great deliberation the final decisions were made.

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Winning Team

Thank You

Thank you to all of the little monsters and heroes that showed up to the DCU Mercy Halloween Party, and congratulations to all of the prize winners on the night. We look forward to seeing you all again next year for more fancy dress fun and more whacky Halloween games.